Be the Kind of Woman

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What I Wish You Could See

Beauty is such a hard thing for women to grasp. We poke and prod at each and every one of our imperfections, we tear ourselves apart until there is nothing left in the mirror for us to look at and feel good about. We so easily fall into the trap of satan's lie that tells us we are anything less than perfect. The God of everything made you in His image. He tells us time and time again that we are His most beloved creation. We are known by God, what an awesome gift. I know this gift and I rejoice in it often, but there are many whom I love very much that cannot yet see their beauty, and oh how my heart breaks for them.

I often say one of my greatest accomplishment in my short lifetime is my ability to look in the mirror and see beauty. Getting there took a lot of crying on floors and falling into satan's lies. But now that I know my beauty comes from nothing I could have ever done, I want others to know the same. So here I go:

My dear sweet friend, you are beautiful, and there is not a single thing in this world that could ever change that. Your heart is one of true beauty that brings me such joy and I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. When you tear yourself down it breaks your heart, but it also breaks mine because you cannot see how precious and so loved you are by those around you. I want you to know that your beauty does not come from the rise and fall of a number on a scale. It will never come from any amount of makeup you cover your face with or the clothes that you wear. Your most beautiful trait is a soul that never stops smiling and has never failed to make my day that much brighter. I love you and I hope with my whole heart that you come to know these things in your heart. The Lord of everything created you for His glory because you bear His image. When He looks at you, you have favor in His eyes because He created you beautifully and perfectly. And personally I would't challenge His opinion on this one. My dear sweet friend, you are perfect in each and every way because He made you that way and I will never stop telling you that. My prayer for you is that you learn and keep this truth locked away in your heart and ever present in your mind. Let it seep into you life and eventually allow yourself to know this above every lie satan ever tells you. You are loved so much, believe that with all your heart.

With overwhelming love that comes only from the One who is Love,
