Victory in Vulnerability

Have you ever been so afraid to do something that the fear seems to paralyze you from moving forward? If your answer is “Yes,” then you know exactly how I feel right now.

I want to tell this story. My story. The story of my journey to therapy, what it has given me the tools to do, and how I’m moving forward from here. But man oh man is this hard for me. It is hard for me to be this vulnerable anywhere with anyone, but I want to, so badly. So here’s to trying my best…

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Learning to Put My Mask on First: Chapter 2 in Taking Back My Life

Have you ever been on an airplane and listened while the flight attendants give the safety talk? They eventually get to the part when they explain what we’re supposed to do if the air pressure in the cabin drops. The flight attendants then proceed to demonstrate how to put our oxygen masks on. For so long, I found it odd that they tell us to put our own masks on before assisting other people. That just never made sense to me, if there are people that can’t put their masks on shouldn’t they be helped first? If people are in need, then shouldn’t we do what we can to help them first, right? 

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Kaitlyn KirkseyRest
When Your Dreams Don't Come True

The year is 2009. A sixth-grade girl stands in front of the bathroom mirror in tears because she hasn’t been picked, once again. Her teacher says to her, “God says it not your time.”

The year is 2015. A junior in high school is excited for what’s to come in her senior year. She anxiously waits for the list of names to come out. An email arrives in the inbox, her heart drops, it drops all the way to the bottom of her feet. Her name is nowhere to be found. They say, “There just wasn’t a place for you.”

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Kaitlyn Kirksey
Welcome to Our New Home

I am so excited that you are here! As you can see things look a little different around here, I am over the moon to welcome you to the brand new Be the Kind of Woman blog. Over the last few months, the Lord has been moving and shaking in my life in both heartwarming and heartbreaking ways. But, through all of it, His faithfulness has been steadily moving me toward something so hard for me to do, REST.

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