Welcome to Be the Kind of Woman

I’m so happy you are here! This space is somewhere that being honest is the norm, that brokenness doesn't mean shame, and that love is the natural overflow for us all. More than anything, I want you to know who God is and what He says to be true about you and me. Knowing that we were created perfectly imperfect, and as women, we embody God's perfect image.


"Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well."

- 1 Thessalonians 2:8

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Our stories are simply a way for God to tell His story and move the Kingdom forward one step at a time. No matter what story you manage to find here, God's hand has been steady and overwhelmingly faithful over every piece of it.

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We all have a Kingdom purpose: give God the glory of our lives. But, how we do that looks different for all of us. Rising to our Kingdom calling is life’s greatest adventure! Listen to how women are doing this in their every day.

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Community is a powerful thing, and when we gather together to hear and respond to the Truth, God opens the door for incredible movement in our lives and others. Keep up with us via email or joining our community on Instagram.


About Me

Be the Kind of Woman is my corner of the internet to share stories, life experiences, mistakes, and all of the faithfulness that God has showered over me. Even in my mess and mess-ups, the Lord has written an unbelievable story for me, and for you too.


Featured Post


Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor, the Devil says,"Oh no. She's up!"
