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She’s Up Podcast

We all have a Kingdom purpose: give God the glory of our lives. And, rising to our Kingdom calling is life’s great adventure! She’s Up is all about sharing the stories of ordinary women who are walking in God’s faithfulness and pursuing their Kingdom callings in everyday life.

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"She's Up is all about us rising to our call as Kingdom women."


- Kaitlyn M. Kirksey, Host of She’s Up


Rising to Our Callings

We are each given unique gifts, talents, and passions. Equipped, sent, and tasked with moving the Kingdom forward. But, as women, we have our own journeys and experiences that ultimately bring God the glory.

Some of us have heard the call on our hearts and work each day, using our skills, talent, and abilities. Others may still be looking and waiting for the call to come.

Wherever you are I hope you know that She’s Up is here to encourage you, spur you on, and shine the Truth that no matter where we are our purpose never changes: bring God the glory.

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Building Community

We were created to be in community with each other. And let’s be honest, having a group of women cheering us on has never been a bad thing.

She’s Up is all about sharing the stories of women who love Jesus and are doing their best to lean into the call on their lives.

Near or far, old or young, no matter where you’re at we want to connect you with women who inspire you to love the Lord and your calling even more.

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Meet Your Host

My name is Kaitlyn, and my heart has always been for sharing the stories of women. Thankfully, God has made sharing these stories part of my calling.

Our stories are just one of the many ways the Lord demonstrates His faithfulness, and to have the chance to share some of these stories with you is such a joy!

I hope as you join in our conversations, you are inspired to lean into what Jesus has for you, spurred on in your pursuit of the Lord’s goodness, and encouraged by the Spirit as you are equipped in your present season. I can’t wait for you to hear the incredible stories of ordinary women as they rise to their Kingdom calling.

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Show Notes
