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Hey there,

I'm so happy you are here! My name is Kaitlyn, and I'm the girl behind the screen. I am many things, a Believer, teacher, sorority girl, basketball coach, mentor, sister, daughter, the list goes on, but my favorite of all my titles is friend. And my greatest hope is that as you navigate this space that we can become just that.

Throughout this site, you will find many stories; joys, heartaches, and my greatest life lessons. All of which is a testament to God's perfect narrative for our very imperfect lives. I am who I am because God's faithfulness is written all over my story (and yours too), man, oh man, how thankful am I for that!


Three Things I Love




Brunch with friends


Ink Joy Pens


My greatest hope is that this space is somewhere that being honest is the norm, that brokenness doesn't mean shame, and that love is the natural overflow for us all. More than anything, I want you to know who God is and what He says to be true about you and me. Knowing that we were created perfectly imperfect, and as women, we embody God's perfect image.


Because I fervently believe that God's faithfulness is all over our stories, we are better off as friends, humans, and Believers when we share our stories with others. And, when we are willing to share, God can do big and powerful things in and through us. Our stories are simply a way for God to tell His story and move the Kingdom forward one step at a time.

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"Our stories are simply a way for God to tell His story and move the Kingdom forward one step at a time."

I am humbled that you have ended up here in my little corner, and I hope there is something here that can inspire you to love Jesus more, listen to the Spirit better and be in awe of the Father in all that He does.

We are always a work in progress, but each day we get to be the kind of woman that when our feet hit the floor, the Devil says, "Oh no! She's up!"
