What I Really Mean When I Say "I Love You"

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When you hear the words "I love you", what comes to your mind? Your mom? Your boyfriend? What about your best friend?

For lot of people you say "I love you" to those you see everyday, who you maybe sorta like, or you might even say it to your brother every once in a while. But for me the phrase "I love you" means a lot more than just those three simple words. 

"I love you" from me means I would do anything for you. It means when I ask you about your day I really truly care about the answer. When I say "I love you" it means I would give you my whole entire heart if it means it would make your bad day better. It means that at 3 in the morning if you need ANYTHING I will be there in a heartbeat. It tells you that even when I disagree with you I will always stand behind you. "I love you" means that, yes, I will kill the spiders. That I would do anything is the world to see you smile. "I love you" means that I trust you enough to tell you that I really do love YOU! 

Saying these three words to you means that in all of your craziness, all of your sadness, happiness, and everything in between, you have blessed my life in unbelievable measure and that my heart truly fills overwhelmingly with joy whenever I am with you. It means that you have given me so much that "I love you" is the only thing I could even come close with to try and explain that feeling. And I want every one of you to know that no matter the distance, busyness, or how bad of a disagreement we are in, I will ALWAYS love you. Always and forever, and absolutely nothing could ever change that. So thank you for letting me love you, but even better thank you for loving me back. 

With overflowing joy and love,
