Confessions of a soon to be college freshman

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What the heck! High school has come and gone and apparently so has summer and in less than three days I move into my college dorm. It's crazy to think about how fast time has truly flown by! As I transition into this next chapter of my life I find myself in a state filled with thoughts constantly floating around in my brain. Some of these thoughts are happy, some sad, and a lot of them full of anticipation. Below I have confessed these thoughts, take it as you will.

(DISCLAIMER: These are in no particular order)

  1. Will I really be able to live with a stranger for the next 9 months?

  2. Am I going to be totally and completely overwhelmed with college?

  3. Is it possible to find solid christian community at a public school?

  4. Is my faith strong enough to withstand everything college will throw at me?

  5. Who will I still be friends with out of my high school friend group in college?

  6. I find the idea of #RingBySpring to be ridiculous.

  7. Will I meet my husband in college?

  8. Will I ever figure out what I really want to do?

  9. Am I listening to what God is telling me?

  10. Did I choose the right school?

  11. Am I being realistic when it comes to my life goals?

  12. Will I make friends in college?

  13. Am I too pushy when it comes to sharing what I think?

  14. I am really weirded out at the idea of not seeing my mom every day.

  15. How will my family dynamic change once I leave?

  16. I can't figure out if my excitement for certain things is passion or just excitement.

  17. What is my passion?

  18. How do I find it?

  19. Am I too independent to be in a relationship?

  20. I hate when people see my self confidence as unapproachable. 

  21. Am I disciplined enough to stick to my daily readings?

  22. I really want to use my planner consistently. 

  23. Will I be culture shocked going into college?

  24. Am I able to love people well even when they are different from me?

  25. I will miss my brother a lot more than I will ever admit.

  26. I am really afraid of committing to something and then finding out that I hate it.

  27. I know who I am, but I don't understand why people are still surprised at how comfortable I am in my own skin.

  28. I want to show people Christ through my life but I feel like I suck at that 99% of the time. 

  29. I really want to have fun in college.

  30. I want Jesus to be my focus in every season of my life.

  31. Why do people find my purity ring weird?

  32. I'm really want to have a better diet in college.

  33. I am glad I know how to take good notes.

  34. I feel like I am overthinking everything.

  35. How do I stop?

While writing this list I realized two things 1) I have some really random thoughts, and 2) that I can satisfy a lot of these questions by leaving them at the feet of the Cross. How blessed am I to have a Savior that loves me enough to listen to me drone on and on about every single boring thought in my head. WOW. My God is awesome. I pray you know that too. If you would pray for me during this time of transition in my life and that I will seek God in all things first and foremost. 

With a wandering head and steady heart,


Kaitlyn KirkseyComment