Feelings are Hard

What do you do when someone you love hurts your heart but don't know if they understand or care? What do you do when you love someone and you don't feel that love in return?

Well if you have the answer please let me know because I keep asking myself and I'm not very good at coming up with any good answers.

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The Awesomeness that is Christian Community

What a blessing it is to be surrounded by a group of people that love me. But even better, is a group of people that love me AND Jesus! Currently I am a senior in high school, and the realization that soon I will not get to see these people every day is starting to set in and honestly, some days its really hard. I am blessed. Period. But one of the biggest blessings God has granted me is the community of believers that He has placed in my life.

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What I Really Mean When I Say "I Love You"

When you hear the words "I love you", what comes to your mind? Your mom? Your boyfriend? What about your best friend?

For lot of people you say "I love you" to those you see everyday, who you maybe sorta like, or you might even say it to your brother every once in a while. But for me the phrase "I love you" means a lot more than just those three simple words.

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His Devotion, His Faithfulness...

God works in incredible ways.

I think I always knew this fact, it was always buried somewhere in my brain. The concept that God's plan is good no matter how I feel about it. But for the first time, I really truly believed this. If you actually read more than one of my blogs you would know that earlier this year God rocked my world. He closed a door on my life that I thought was a 100% guaranteed and this week

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Inundated in Pride and How Much It Really Sucks

As a person I am very proud.

Pride just comes naturally to my type A, loud, obnoxious persona. And anyone even in a shallow relationship with Christ knows how bad this is. After all pride is one of the seven deadly sins and lets be honest pride has been wrecking lives since time began, even in the bible (examples of this are Genesis 3, 2 Chronicles 26, Ester 3-7, Daniel 4 and so many more).

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